the layouts,,

About Me

hi, im shelly. im jewish. my birthday is september 22nd. i have my own style and my own personality. truly, i don't give a fuck about what you say. i got this hot belt the other day that looks like candy becuase its studded like candy. im completely in love with it and go ahead and say shit, its a waste of time. i want to become a vegetarian but its the hardest thing for me because im so fucking picky about food. i hate that so god damn much. honestly, animals were made to run free in the wild and to be taken care of. but some stupid cigarettes (in other words, fag means cigarette in england), think that animals were made to be born and then killed again. okay whatever, so you kill them and eat them. AT LEAST DON'T HURT THEM! if you are going to kill someone, don't torture the thing! oh and if you were real leather or real fur, i'd love to know your number. i could take you to the slaughter house and feed you to the caniballs :D. i don't have a million of friends, but i have 2 best friends that i can't live without; Sarah Nicole Danzelman and Kevin Lee Compson. I am Sarah's rockstar and she is my sister. I am Kevin's hot steamy orgasm and he is my condom. We truly love each other that much and will always be there for each other. So you call me a bitch, a slut, a whore, a fake, a poser, im going to go to my room and cry myself to sleep. ahahahaha, no. you see, it would be a waste of time for you to be going around saying that shit because i don't even fricking notice your shit. i don't care what anyone says about me. it's their opinion, and i don't give a fuck about it. Who knows? maybe you'll end up with no friends and i'll be the queen of toronto, bitches.
you're worthless, i hate you.
Name Shelly Sophie Avner
Gender Female
Age 14
Location Toronto, ON
Ethnicity White / Caucasian
Interested in Men
Status Single

Contact Me

IM, xrandomshelly


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Registered Jun 6, 2008
Last update Jun 7, 2008